Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Praise the Lord

I'm Hellen and blessed with a lovely husband Ernest and two boys Elvis 6 yrs and Justin 1,6 yrs. I'm also taking care of my sisters son Collins 11 months.

Collins, Hellen, Justin and Ernest

Getting ready for the Bible School

My kitchen

I thank God for my life, my family, mama-Helena and Greater Grace church.

I remember when I was a young girl, attending a certain church, but my heart was not comfortable with that church. I remember being on my knees and asking God to help me. 

Years went on and I moved after work to Nairobi. One of my friends took me to a church, where I got saved, but did not understand things taught. Once again I stopped going to church.

I did not attend a church until I met my lovely husband. I started to go to church again. We lived together for three years, but he did not attend any church. Months and life went on, then we separated with my husband. I thank God for our separation, because that's when my husband met with Greater Grace 2011. He got saved, and started to attend the Bible School.

Few months later my husband spoke with me, and we were reconciled. Then he introduced me to the church. God is wonderful.

Since I joined the church and met with mama-Helena, I've started to understand, what does it mean to be saved and have accepted Jesus Christ into my life. I thank God for Greater Grace, they brought light into my life.

September 2014 I joined the Bible School, where I take two classes; Pastoral Epistles and Leadership taught by p.Jukka. I thank God for giving us such a wonderful pastor/teacher.

Bible School

Me and boys at the church.

During this time my family life was facing difficulties. But I thank God since I joined Bible School, my family life is back to normal. Me learning God's ways, I'm now able to control better my temper. I know how to speak to my husband, when we have misunderstandings. I know how to talk to God during time of sickness.

Last week I got a job, so I could not attend Bible School. My husband said: "what, are you doing, you must attend the classes". He sees it being part of keeping our family together. So, I obeyed and stopped that work.  Now I'm praying that God would give me, such a work that I can attend Bible school and the church services.

I thank God for Greater Grace, mama-Helena and p. Jukka. 
May God bless them. Amen